Maungaturoto will be celebrating 150 Years in 2013

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Maungaturoto turns 150 years old in 2013

Just a quick post letting everyone know about the planned 2013 Celebrations for Labour Weekend 2013. This is being organised by Albie Paton. He can do with all the help possible on this project. Many hands make light work as the saying goes. This is a really important event.  Further details can be seen here

Also you may have noticed a page at the top of the Navigation bar called 'Maungaturoto & Districts Timeline' this is a chronological time line of events and happens that have occured in the area. This is a living time line and will be updated. Keep checking back on the page as it will be changing continuously as further information is added or you can view and download the word version here or alternatively email me if you would like the word document emailed to you